As the title suggests, and indeed why you're here. I have a lot of old computers
This page serves as an index catalog of them for easy reference.
NOTE: This list is non-exhaustive as I'm constantly picking up new weird old tech
Acer Inc
Acer EasyStore H340
Apple Computers Inc
Powermac G4 "Mirror Drive Door" (MDD)
Powermac G5 Quad
eMac G4
Xserve G4
Xserve G5
Cobalt Networks
Cobalt Qube
Cobalt RaQ4
Dell Computers
PowerEdge 2500
Digital Equipment Corporation
DEC AlphaServer 2100 4/275
Hewlett Packard
HP MediaSmart EX495
Silicon Graphics
SGI Octane
SGI Visual Workstation 320
Sun Microsystems
Netra X1
Netra T1
SunFire Enterprise 420R
Ultra 10 Workstation
Whitebox/custom builds
World's Fastest Windows 98 PC
Disc Ripper aka "Napster"
Miscellaneous (Anything not 'retro')
Framework 13
Main Desktop
Home Server
Hyve Zeus
Hyve Cygnus
Video Capture PC