Windows 98 PC

From Cursed Silicons Wiki
Revision as of 00:48, 10 September 2024 by CursedSilicon (talk | contribs) (Created page with "There's not much I can really add to this page that wasn't already discussed in the [ "Building the REAL "ultimate Windows 98 PC"]" video Since I filmed that video the machine has had some (minor) upgrades * The GTX 7800 has been replaced with a 7900 for a minor performance boost * The weird memory allocation issues have been fixed via the "SPLIT8MB" patch from Rudolph Loew * RAM has been increased from 4GB (4x1GB sticks) to...")
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There's not much I can really add to this page that wasn't already discussed in the "Building the REAL "ultimate Windows 98 PC"" video

Since I filmed that video the machine has had some (minor) upgrades

  • The GTX 7800 has been replaced with a 7900 for a minor performance boost
  • The weird memory allocation issues have been fixed via the "SPLIT8MB" patch from Rudolph Loew
  • RAM has been increased from 4GB (4x1GB sticks) to 16GB (4x4GB sticks) though with the caveat that Windows 98 can only address 3.25GB of memory. Rudolph Loew's "ramdisk" patch can be utilized to add up to a 13GB RAM drive for the remaining space, but I do not have a practical reason to use this, yet
  • Ethernet has been moved from a PCI based RTL 8169 to a PCI-E 1x RTL8111C. Performance is marginally improved

The machine has also been moved to a Lian Li PC-A70 case. Unfortunately the rear bay is missing and the general build quality of this case is extremely poor

98 PC (Front)
98 PC (Side)
98 PC (Side)
98 PC (Rear)
98 PC (Rear)