Ultra 10 Workstation

From Cursed Silicons Wiki
Revision as of 00:24, 10 September 2024 by CursedSilicon (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Another two machines I need to investigate, purchased from Re-PC at some point in 2022 '''The current state of these machines is completely unknown''' alt=Sun Ultra 10 (front)|none|thumb|Sun Ultra 10 (front) alt=Other Ultra 10 (Front)|none|thumb|Other Ultra 10 (Front) alt=Ultra 10 (Rear)|none|thumb|Ultra 10 (Rear) File:Other Ultra 10 (Rear).jpg|alt=Other Ultra 10 (Rear)...")
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Another two machines I need to investigate, purchased from Re-PC at some point in 2022

The current state of these machines is completely unknown

Sun Ultra 10 (front)
Sun Ultra 10 (front)
Other Ultra 10 (Front)
Other Ultra 10 (Front)
Ultra 10 (Rear)
Ultra 10 (Rear)
Other Ultra 10 (Rear)
Other Ultra 10 (Rear)