Netra X1
For some terrible reason I picked up a bunch (five) Sun Netra X1's a couple years ago during a visit to Re-PC
Unfortunately these machines are terrible for a multitude of reasons!
Unlike their "Netra T1" counterparts the X1's were built to be as cheap as possible.
Netra X1's all come with either a 400Mhz or 500Mhz UltraSPARC IIe CPU.
400Mhz models can accept a maximum of 1GB of PC133 RAM, 500Mhz models can accept 2GB
All models come equipped with dual 10/100 "DEC Tulip" ethernet ports and up to two 40GB IDE hard disks, with proprietary mounts
Like all Sun machines the servers require an RJ45-to-RS232 cable connected in order to access OpenFirmware.
With that out of the way here's some of the many problems you as a Sun Netra X1 owner can expect to encounter